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Scandal Cancellation at the Concordia University

Scandal Cancellation at the Concordia University

Open Letter by the Associations of Turkish Students in Canada






Following intimidation by the fanatics of Armenian associations who are against free speech, Concordia University, in violating the ethics of education, cancelled the online informative panel.


Protesting the fact, Turkish student associations at universities in Canada issued an open letter.


The Ambassador of Turkey to Canada Kerim Uras


Here what the associations said about the cancellation:

“We are deeply disappointed to learn that an informative online panel to be held at the Concordia University, to which Turkish Ambassador Kerim Uras was invited as a speaker, has been cancelled at the last minute upon intimidation. The main objective of the online panel was freely inform and openly discuss the recent events in South Caucasus based on reason and analytic thinking with Political Science and International Relations students.


We would like to share our disappointment and sadness about the hatred towards Turkish citizens on social media, which violate the code of conduct of Concordia University and Canadian Charter of Right and Freedoms, and cause major discomfort to many students, in recent days.


The insults to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the modern Republic of Turkey, and the Turkish president, the defamation and denigration towards Turkish people on social media are completely unacceptable. Such an approach reveals a mindset filled with hatred and animosity. This deep hostility in the social media platform towards Turkish people in an obstacle to dialogue and mutual understanding. The hostile stance is dangerous, and it is harmful to the progressive, multicultural, and divers fabric that Concordia University encourages.


Despite this polarizing and saddening act, we would like to maintain our peaceful, harmonizing, and diverse attitude. All in all, we would like to see this organization take place in a manner where everyone will agree upon for educational purposes.



Turkish Students Associations of Concordia University, McGill University, University of British Columbia”


The Associations of Turkish students in Canada



Bizim Anadolu / Notre Anatolie / March 25th, 2021


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