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Çokkültürlü 23 Nisan Kutlaması / Türk Kültür Folklor Derneği
April 23, 2016 @ 13:00 - 17:00
Çokkültürlü 23 Nisan Kutlaması
Toronto’da çok katılımlı 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı…
Toronto’da Kanada Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu çatısı altında Kanada Türk Kültür ve Folklor Derneği, Ankara Kitaplığı, Kanada Balkan Türkleri Derneği ve yine Federasyon çatısı altında etkinlikte bulunan Türk Toplum Vakfı işbirliğinde 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı ‘Çokkültürlü Çocuk Bayramı’ olarak kutlanacak.
Kutlama 23 Nisan Cumartesi günü 13.00 – 17.00 saatleri arasında 76 Overlea Blvd., Toronto, ON, M4H 1C5 adresindeki Macedonian Community Center’da gerçekleştirilecek.
Kutlamaya Toronto’daki Türk toplumlarının yanı sıra, Yahudi, Güney Kore, Kuzey ve Güney Azerbaycan Türk Toplumu, Kanada, Bosna, Çin, Özbek, Hint, Arnavut, Makedonya, Kanada Yerlisi, Brezilya gibi toplumları da katılıp kendi ulusal halkoyunları gösterilerini sunacak.
Aynı zamanda TBMM’nin 96. yılının da kutlanacağı 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı’na Federal ve Ontario İli Milletvekillerinin yanı sıra, Belediye Meclisi Üyeleri, bölgesel okul yönetimleri üyeleri, diplomatlar ve Türkiye’nin Toronto Başkonsolosu’nun da katılacağı bildiriliyor.
Konuyla ilgili Federasyon Başkanı Mehmet Bor İngilizce olarak yayınlamış olduğu bildiride şunları söyledi:
“Dear ERC members,
You are kindly expected to host the visiting politicians and the guests from other communities at this event (and other similar events across Canada) to promote this unique Turkish Multicultural Children’s Day in Canada, which is a legacy of the great leader Ataturk.
Our ultimate goal should be to get it adapted by all levels of governments and their schools/institutions, as a contribution of the Turkish/Turkic community to Canada’s great multicultural mosaic.
Is that feasible? Well, is there any politician who could dare to oppose such a positive initiative in Canada? If the answer is NO, then it should be perfectly feasible.
Our political will and degree of determination for success will be the only key. If we can’t sell this unmatched great Turkish tradition in Canada, we can’t sell anything else for sure.
If we can get united around this unique national value and act together, we can succeed one day I belive.
M. Bor
Multicultural Turkish Children’s Day Festival in Toronto
You are cordially invited to the following April 23 Multicultural Turkish Children’s Day Festival in Toronto. It is organized by the Turkish community in partnership with the multiple ethnic groups in Toronto, and over a thousand people, parents and their children, are expected to attend to this important annual event.
Saturday, April 23, 2016 (1:00pm – 5:00pm)
76 Overlea Blvd., Toronto, ON, M4H1C5
(Macedonian Community Center)
All the ethnic diverse groups of Toronto have been invited to the event, and many of the Turkish/Turkic and non-Turkish children groups (Turkish, Jews, S.Korean, South/North Azerbaijan, Canadian, Bosnian, Chinese, Uzbek, Indian, Albanian, Macedonian, Aboriginal, Brazilian, etc.) will dance their national folk dances with traditional dresses and sing songs together. MPs, MPPs, Trustees, Councillors, and diplomatic missions of the region, including Turkish Consul General in Toronto, have been invited also, and many expected to attend.
Member associations of the Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations are organizing this event across Canada in partnership with one of the Canadians of different ethnic communities each year, and it is organized this year in partnership with Macedonian community to enrich cultural diversity of Canada’s multicultural mosaic by bringing all the children of ethnic origin together and having fun and making life-long lasting friendships, while parents network connect with each other.
This great tradition adapted by Turkiye since April 23th of 1920, when great Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkish Republic dedicated this day which marks the first opening of the Grand Turkish National Assembly, to the children.
Please join us at this important multicultural event and support our efforts to make Canada a better place to coexist together for our children.
The Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations (FCTA)
Turkic Assembly of Canada (TAC)