Événements / Etkinlik / Events
Événements / Etkinlik / Events … Montréal, Ottawa, Toronto…
“Syrian Crisis and Turkey: Security and Humanitarian Challenges »
University of Ottawa,
120 University Pvt, Room: 1030.
Ottawa ON
Monday, January 18, 2015, 5:30 p.m.
The conference is presented by the International Development and Globalization Students’ Association in co-operation with Center for Strategic Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey (SAM).
The panellists of the conference are Dr. Mehmet Güllüoğlu, Director General of the Turkish Red Crescent and Dr. Kılıç Buğra Kanat, Research Director at the SETA Foundation in Washington D.C.
In English
Registration is not required
Syrian Crisis and Turkey
Banting Institute
100 College Street, BI 131,
Toronto, Ontario
Tuesday, January 19th at 3:00 PM
The conference is presented by the International Development and Globalization Students’ Association in co-operation with Center for Strategic Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey (SAM).
The panellists of the conference are Dr. Mehmet Güllüoğlu, Director General of the Turkish Red Crescent and Dr. Kılıç Buğra Kanat, Research Director at the SETA Foundation in Washington D.C.
In English
Registration is not required.
Mercredi, le 20 janvier, / January 20, 2016
Upstairs Jazz Bar & Grill
1254 Mackay, Montréal H3G 2H4
Billets disponibles / Ticket
Film / Movie
Documentary screening at Ankara Library
KURTULUŞ – The Steamship That Carried Peace
Language: English
Directed By: Erhan Cerrahoglu
Duration: 50 minutes
Ankara Library
501 Eglinton Ave East, M4P 1N4, Toronto
Thursday, January 21, 2016, 8:00pm
Story of Kurtulus:
In October 1940, following the attack of the Italian Army, Greece found itself in the middle of WWII. Greeks could resist the brutal forces of Mussolini, supported by the Germans, for six months only.
The Nazis started their occupation of Greece by confiscating all food supplies. Within few months people started dying from hunger. Left in want of a bite to eat, the Greek people were in desperation. In the streets of Athens trucks were carrying the dead to mass graves. These days of horror would last long and in the course of the war Greece would lose 570.000, or seven per cent of its population, to hunger.
Nevertheless, Turkish people were carefully following the news concerning the hunger in the neighbouring country and were eager to do something to help.
Turkey was to be the first country to lend a helping hand to Greece; food and medicine was to be collected and sent through a nationwide campaign.
To carry the aid to Greece, the government hired a 2400-ton dry cargo vessel. The ship bore the same name given to the recent war with Greece: « Kurtulus / Liberation »
Kurtulus made 4 trips, bringing 8000 tons of humanitarian aid to Greek people. Unfortunately in the fifth trip, Kurtulus was caught in a violent storm off the Marmara Island and sunk.
Kurtulus is just one of the stories that made the Turkish and Greek Nations become closer.
Concert / Konser
En terre d’Anatolie les Ashiks, troubadours qui chantaient l’amour et le divin au son du luth saz (baglama), ont laissé de profondes traces dans le cœur et l’esprit de ce peuple. En compagnie d’Ali Riza et Hüseyin Albayrak, deux Achiks modernes et héritiers de cette tradition, nous avons dessiné un voyage à travers la poésie passionnée et passionnant du poète Shah Khatayi.
Kiya Tabassian, setar, voice
Ali-Riza Albayrak, saz, voice
Huseyin Albayrak, saz, voice
Pooria Pournazeri, tanbur, daf
Avec Ali Rıza- Hüseyin Albayrak & Pooria Pournazeri پوریا پورناظری
22 janvier à 20h
Salle Bourgie
1339, rue Sherbooke Ouest,
Montréal H3G 1J4
Billets disponibles
Müzik, eğlence
Turkuaz TV Dayanışma
Kaynak Yaratma Gecemiz:
Bir gelenek haline gelen Turkuaz TV’ye Kaynak Yaratma Gecesi, bu yıl 23 Ocak’ta Distillery District’in en prestijli mekânlarından Arta Gallery’de düzenleniyor. Hepiniz davetlisiniz.
Tarih ve Saat: 23 Ocak 2016, 7.00pm
Yer: Arta Gallery 14 Distillery Ln, Toronto
Bilet ve bilgi icin:
Efnan Abacioglu: 416 276 9922
Huseyin Nurgel: 416 890 4866
Biletler $100
Aga Khan Museum
Reflections on Sultan Shah Khatayi performed by Constantinople and Albayrak Brothers
Ali Riza and Hüseyin Albayrak are modern-day troubadours and heirs of the Ashik tradition in Anatolia.
Together with Kiya Tabassian and Pooria Pournazeri, virtuosos of setar and tanbour, they have mapped out a voyage into the heart of Anatolia and Persia via the passionate poetry of Sultan Shah Khatayi.
Saturday, January 23, 8 pm
Tickets starting at $40 adults, $32 students/seniors. 10 % off for members!
Interested in adding a pre-show dinner to your ticket? Purchase here. Dinners are $75 per person (including gratuities; taxes extra). Please note that this cost does NOT include a performance ticket.
İşlik / Atelier / Workshop
Yalli Dance Workshop
Savalan Cultural Group
Centre Greene
1090 avenue Greene,
Westmount H3Z1Z9
31 janvier à 18:00 – 20:00
Entrance Fee: $7
« Hello to whoever loves group dancing 🙂
Çılgın Çocuk Partisi
Türk Toplum Merkezi
Çocuklara oyunlar, çekilişler, yarışmalar…
Toronto Northern District Library
40 Orchard View Blvd. room. 200
Toronto, ON
31 Ocak 2016, pazar
14.00 – 16.30
Concert / Spectacle
Irem Bekter
Musiciens et groupes de musique
Vertige en 4 temps
Jeudi, le 10 mars, à 20:00, March 20, 2016
Rialto Montreal
5723 Avenue du Parc,
Montréal H2V 4G9
Billets disponibles
Un spectacle enlevant et envoûtant qui aborde les thèmes de l’errance et du métissage dans une perspective d’inclusion et d’espoir.
Vertige en 4 temps c’est l’histoire d’une urgence de vivre forgée par le déracinement et l’enracinement. D’Istanbul à Buenos Aires, en passant par Londres et Montréal, le spectateur est plongé dans une histoire cousue de rebondissements et de surprises, autant de tableaux qui créent des rapports nouveaux entre les cultures sud-américaines, orientales, occidentales et populaires. Une fusion vertigineuse de jazz, musique classique, traditionnelle turque, argentine et contemporaine.
Irem Bekter¨: concept, voix, danse
Ismail Fencioğlu : oud, voix
Luzio Altobelli : accordéon, voix et direction musicale
Pablo Bonacina : guitare, voix
Nicolas Cousineau : violoncelle
Joel Kerr: contrebasse
Bertil Schulrabe : batterie et percussions
Luis López : danse et percussions
Igor Ovadis: mise en scène
Éric Vincent : ingénier de son
Guy Chevrier : conception d’éclairage
Attachée de presse: Lise Raymond
Vos événements à banadolu@bizimanadolu.com
Bizim Anadolu / Notre Anatolie / January 17, 2016
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